Saturday, January 12, 2013


Hello, this is Amy.

I'm sorry Estren hasn't updated the blog. I can't blame him. He's been through a lot.

I'll try to get you guys up to speed as much as you can.

So, after the GM died, Estren came back, with HELLFIRE back in his possession.

Alphonse has gotten worse. I think it may be an infection, or some other kind of sickness. He's been coughing a lot, and he's been feverish, cranky, and he's conscious about 4 hours a day on average. We have no idea what's wrong with him.

We haven't gotten any closer to the thing HELLFIRE's been looking for. The Samurai was called away on business with the Wooden Girl, but he gave us a phone number, and said to call if we get any more leads on Garrot Kelterry. He also said he doesn't answer this umber at all, but he will respond if we leave him a message saying who we are and why we're calling.

and then we found out that Silver mist is still alive, and has possessed Bill Dawson. Two of the most evil people I know of (aside from the GM and some of his servants, of course) have teamed up. And, in addition, Silvermist is seeking to absorb more Dying Men to make itself stronger.

Seeing this as a problem, Estren and HELLFIRE told me to care for  Alphonse while they go and try to handle Silvermist and Dawson.

I normally wouldn't be worried. I mean, Estren's has grown as a fighter. He's pretty good in battle, and with HELLFIRE inside him, he's pretty badass. Not invincible, but still pretty awesome. I've seen the two of them fighting as a single unit, and they are... just fuckin' awesome. I am actually somewhat attracted to them.

However, I haven't heard from them in a couple weeks. I have no idea if they're okay. I'm worried about those two.
And to make it worse, Al's condition just keeps getting more horrible. He needs medical attention, and I can't help him much, aside from holding a wet rag to his head occasionally. He needs help.

Please, if anyone knows any hospitals that aren't infected with Oathbreakers, please let me know. He needs help, and I can't give it to him. Estren would kill me if I let him die...

1 comment:

  1. Well hello Amy,
    Unfortunately I don't trust any hospitals to be oath breaker free.
