April 17th, 1685
I'm starting this log to keep track of my journey aboard The Tantalus. I will be serving the female pirate captain known as the Cedar Queen. I've been working as a pirate since I was a lad, but this is my first time serving a female captain. Hopefully this will be more interesting than my last captain. The fool got himself hanged.
This ship has a crew of fifty-five. I'm one of the deckhands, but I hope to impress the Cedar Queen enough to move up to a higher rank.
I haven't met her yet. She spends a lot of time in her quarters, with her guardian blocking the doors so that she isn't disturbed.
I share a loft with three other men. First there's Jack. He's from Spain, and is a decent fencer. Not at my level, though. Then there's Richard. He's a pretty boy. I find it very annoying. The third man's a little enigmatic. To be honest, I'm not even sure it's a man. He's always got a mask covering his face, and he wears more clothing than is necessary in this weather. He also carries these weird weapons that resemble small scythes attached to each other by a long chain. He never speaks a word.
Well, I have to get back to work.
Garrot Kelterry.
April 18th, 1685
Not much to report today. I have been introduced to one of the female crew mates. Her name is Keursio. It's pronounce Key-Er-See-Oh. I had to ask her how it was spelled. Anyway, that's about all.
April 19th, 1685
Nothing to report
April 20, 1685
Saw a weird looking fellow on board the ship today. He was really tall, and wore fancy black clothing. I didn't get a good look at his face, but there was something off about him. I wonder who it was.
April 21, 1685
I shouldn't have drank so much wine today. I feel ready sick.
April 22, 1685
We raided a ship today. It was transporting vegetables and spices. We plundered all we could and then burned down their mast so the couldn't follow us. All in a days work for Garrot Kelterry. Anyway, I tried asking about the tall man. No one else claims to have see him. Except the Cedar Queen's guard. He said, and I quote, "You'd best be avoiding that man. Don't look at 'im, don't talk to 'im, just keep walking and pretend he ain't there the next time you see 'im." That's odd. Well, I'm off to bed.
April 23, 1685
Good God, the Captain's made of wood! She came out of her chamber for the first time today and requested that me and my bunk mates go to see her. She was actually made out of wood. I've seen peg legs before, but that was just ridiculous. How is that even possible.
She has a special assignment for us. The look out spotted a ship flying an unfamiliar flag, and we have orders to sneak on board and determine who they are.
I can't get over the fact that she's wooden.
Well, that was interesting, don't you think? I'm still not sure what any of this has to do with Daniel, but hopefully I'll know soon enough.
EDIT; I just looked back through the first few pages and realized the dates were wrong. The books old and things are a little faded, but I went back and fixed what I typed. Sorry.
EDIT; I just looked back through the first few pages and realized the dates were wrong. The books old and things are a little faded, but I went back and fixed what I typed. Sorry.
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